Classes start in The Billis N.S. at 9:20am and end at 3:00pm.
– Junior & Senior Infants go home at 2.00pm.
– Junior Infants pupils have a shorter school day for the month of September.
– Please not that the school can facilitate supervision of infants between 2pm and 3pm should a parent request this.

Pupils must attend school punctually. If a pupil is late or absent parents are asked to inform the school.

The school building will open each morning at 9:00am. While every care will be taken of the children, the school management does not accept any responsibility for children arriving before or staying after school hours. Having said that, we would like to assure parents of our care, especially in times of crisis. We do not allow children to go out the gate of the school until their parents/guardians arrive.

Parents/guardians of Junior & Senior Infants must come to the Fire Door of the Junior Classroom (to the right-hand side of the main entrance) to collect their children at 2:00pm.

Parents collecting their children from school at 3:00pm must drive up to the school gate. Due to the amount of traffic at this time an accident could easily occur as children run out to their parents.


9:00 am Teachers’ arrival, preparation
9:00 – 9:20 am Pupils’ arrival
9:20 am Class begins
10:45 am Fruit time
10:50 – 11:00am Break time
12:30 – 1:00pm Lunch time
2:00 pm Infants go home
3:00 pm Classes finish. Pupils go home.